Tuesday 1 November 2011

My first new song lyrics I've writ in quite a while ...

Temporary name idea so far: Dead End Road

I'm the centre of my world
where conflicts do persist
with the big red button in my hand
how do I resist?

As this 'Visage' keeps my soul inside
away from heart on sleeve
ears surround but hear no words
(coming) from the square root of me.

Knocking on doors
Of ladys or whores
Friends just wont exist.
My dead end road
I haven't yet strode
And soonly wont have missed.

I'm stuck in existance
being my only best friend
it's tough when I disagree
(and) nothing bounces off my walls.


Where Googling finds nothing
with nowhere left to turn
gimmie some voices inside of my head
(maybe) that'll fool me I've found friends again.

(Repeat 7.4)


The lyrics for Dead End Road were written by and are Copyright 2011 by:
Ryk John Miller Thekreator.

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