Thursday 3 November 2011

Do You Speeket My Langwich?

(The lyrics that I wrote through the day at work today. Will be sung in a hillbilly type accent, hopefully with appropriate sounding hillbilly type music. Lol.)

I talk good
least myself I unnerstan'
I gots an idea an' I 'splain it up
if there's any answer, they're jus' goin' "Whuh?"

how I talk
puts the peoples in a daze
always thinking that I make sense
no walls to bounce ideas, just frustrates.

Do you speeket my langwich?
Ah think ya know they call it Anglitch
Thought I spoke the way you do
But no-one unnerstans, sum-bitch!

new ideas come
faster than  a computer sums
but no-one around unnerstans my words
seemingly avoided like a pile o' turds.

so whaddo I do?
coninually babbling away?
or shut myself down
in 'Slow Motion', 'Fade To Grey'.

(repeat 7.4)

The lyrics for "Do You Speaket My Langwich" were written on November 0311 and are Copyright 2011 by Ryk John Miller Thekreator

Heh.  If I keep pumping out lyrics this quickly ( as I had through the later 70's, 80's and most of the 90's ) I'll have an album's worth in a few days. :O LOL.  With all of the lyrical ideas in my head, I probably have a few albums worth.  Let's see what happens. ;)

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