Tuesday 1 November 2011

De-evolution (lyrics for the sequel to my 1988 tune - Evolution


(A)    Look from whence we came
    In the days of eighty eight
    Violence and gore
    On television you were
    Forced to appreciate.

(B)    To populace came the Internet
    New people who'd never met
    Friendships crossed the globe
    From bedrooms would elope
    Illusion (istic or fed) dreams as pedophiles do grope.

(7.41)    De-evolution
    As the sheep's mind fades to grey
    Pulling their own wool down over their eyes.

(C)    The overseers do prey
    As the suckers hear them say
    "We'll take care of your tasks!
    Just let your brain relax!" - heh
    The Illuminati shall lighten your day.

(D)    2 plus 2 equals - who cares??
    As the sheep's flock, stands still and stares
    Appetite, hunger and just
    The cupboards of the mind laid bare.

(7.42)    De-evolution
    The resurrection of the Dark Ages
    Burn the witches who raise our wages
    As the sheep's mind fades to grey
    Pulling their own wool down over their eyes.

(E)    they take away our need to think
    give us buttons to operate
    trans-thought free, we eat and drink
    the cellphones cheat, to graduate.

(F)    but we've got the time
    to end the destruction of our minds
    must think for ourselves
    exit the circular hells
    forged by the kings of mountains
    trying to control the mental fountains
    dictating what'n'where we say
    so they may have their way
    stand so steady on your beliefs
    boycott them - feed their griefs
    and the human race may prosper
    instead of only the companies.

(7.43)    De-evolution
    Continue to change and grow
    Not only companies may know
    The human race must set the pace
    The customers always right and the companies are OURS!
lyrics by Ryk John Miller Thekreator July 2207
The lyrics are Copyright 2007 by Ryk John Miller Thekreator
Music for De-evolution is Copyright 2011 by Ryk John Miller Thekreator

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