Thursday 3 November 2011

Do You Speeket My Langwich?

(The lyrics that I wrote through the day at work today. Will be sung in a hillbilly type accent, hopefully with appropriate sounding hillbilly type music. Lol.)

I talk good
least myself I unnerstan'
I gots an idea an' I 'splain it up
if there's any answer, they're jus' goin' "Whuh?"

how I talk
puts the peoples in a daze
always thinking that I make sense
no walls to bounce ideas, just frustrates.

Do you speeket my langwich?
Ah think ya know they call it Anglitch
Thought I spoke the way you do
But no-one unnerstans, sum-bitch!

new ideas come
faster than  a computer sums
but no-one around unnerstans my words
seemingly avoided like a pile o' turds.

so whaddo I do?
coninually babbling away?
or shut myself down
in 'Slow Motion', 'Fade To Grey'.

(repeat 7.4)

The lyrics for "Do You Speaket My Langwich" were written on November 0311 and are Copyright 2011 by Ryk John Miller Thekreator

Heh.  If I keep pumping out lyrics this quickly ( as I had through the later 70's, 80's and most of the 90's ) I'll have an album's worth in a few days. :O LOL.  With all of the lyrical ideas in my head, I probably have a few albums worth.  Let's see what happens. ;)

Tuesday 1 November 2011

De-evolution (lyrics for the sequel to my 1988 tune - Evolution


(A)    Look from whence we came
    In the days of eighty eight
    Violence and gore
    On television you were
    Forced to appreciate.

(B)    To populace came the Internet
    New people who'd never met
    Friendships crossed the globe
    From bedrooms would elope
    Illusion (istic or fed) dreams as pedophiles do grope.

(7.41)    De-evolution
    As the sheep's mind fades to grey
    Pulling their own wool down over their eyes.

(C)    The overseers do prey
    As the suckers hear them say
    "We'll take care of your tasks!
    Just let your brain relax!" - heh
    The Illuminati shall lighten your day.

(D)    2 plus 2 equals - who cares??
    As the sheep's flock, stands still and stares
    Appetite, hunger and just
    The cupboards of the mind laid bare.

(7.42)    De-evolution
    The resurrection of the Dark Ages
    Burn the witches who raise our wages
    As the sheep's mind fades to grey
    Pulling their own wool down over their eyes.

(E)    they take away our need to think
    give us buttons to operate
    trans-thought free, we eat and drink
    the cellphones cheat, to graduate.

(F)    but we've got the time
    to end the destruction of our minds
    must think for ourselves
    exit the circular hells
    forged by the kings of mountains
    trying to control the mental fountains
    dictating what'n'where we say
    so they may have their way
    stand so steady on your beliefs
    boycott them - feed their griefs
    and the human race may prosper
    instead of only the companies.

(7.43)    De-evolution
    Continue to change and grow
    Not only companies may know
    The human race must set the pace
    The customers always right and the companies are OURS!
lyrics by Ryk John Miller Thekreator July 2207
The lyrics are Copyright 2007 by Ryk John Miller Thekreator
Music for De-evolution is Copyright 2011 by Ryk John Miller Thekreator

My first new song lyrics I've writ in quite a while ...

Temporary name idea so far: Dead End Road

I'm the centre of my world
where conflicts do persist
with the big red button in my hand
how do I resist?

As this 'Visage' keeps my soul inside
away from heart on sleeve
ears surround but hear no words
(coming) from the square root of me.

Knocking on doors
Of ladys or whores
Friends just wont exist.
My dead end road
I haven't yet strode
And soonly wont have missed.

I'm stuck in existance
being my only best friend
it's tough when I disagree
(and) nothing bounces off my walls.


Where Googling finds nothing
with nowhere left to turn
gimmie some voices inside of my head
(maybe) that'll fool me I've found friends again.

(Repeat 7.4)


The lyrics for Dead End Road were written by and are Copyright 2011 by:
Ryk John Miller Thekreator.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

New names for bands that I don't like ... lol

Nickleback - Pickle Sack
Theory of a Dead Man - Slurry From My Bedpan
U2 - Yoohoo!
John Cougar Melloncamp - John Who Can't Poo His Hants
Tragically Hip - Tragically Shit

Tom Petty - Tom Pity
Tom Cochrane - Tom Cockring

More coming in due time, whenst I rem'ber them. ;)

Outside of that ...

(Local radio station I downright hate) Cool FM "Today's hits, yesterday's classics" - Cruel FM "Today's shit, yesterday's crap"

Bryan Adams - changed his last name spelling after he was kicked out of The Addams Family

Whilst I think of it - on the opposite side of the scale - those who are in my own personal 'Music Hall of Fame' include:

Killing Joke (one of the best / most innovative and influential bands that I have experienced, in my life.)

Nine Inch Nails (Trent Reznor's lyrical, compositional and sound construction brilliance are beyond many other's imaginations.)

Parliament Funkadelic (they INVENTED Funk, in the 1960s. Still together, touring.)

UK (late 70's supergroup with former Frank Zappa, Roxy Music and future Asia and Missing Persons members - Eddie Jobson (now heading UKZ) on keyboards/violin; Terry Bozzio (one of the best acknowledged drummers in the world) and John Wetton on bass guitar and lead vocals.)

Thursday 21 July 2011

An invention modification idea today at work ...

Very few of you reading this will know what my invention so far entitled 'The Judge' is, but earlier today at work, after having had the idea yesterday of moving it from analog circuitry to a programmable computer chip, I came up with the idea today of doing a version of it in Visual Basic.Net and then comverting THAT code to the PIC (programmable chip).

Have started and see where it goes. :)

I'm leaving this vague intentionally in this public blog as I don't wish anyone else who may join someday, running off with the invention idea and making bazillions of $! ;) Lol

Sunday 17 July 2011

My new studio / workshop tables building spree this weekend ...

This was a quick build of the two tables.  Through it all I found that my Canadian Tire cheap brand of tools, chop saw 'Job Mate' isn't very well lined up on the Z axis.  When you cut angles, they're off by a degree or 2. :(  This helped to make fitting things together which I'd hoped to do as precisely as possible, impossible.  Ah well.

In this pic is table #1's top, with a couple of it's underneath supports cut, laid out on it to test their sizings.

 Here's another viewing of it from top down.
 I believe this pic is after I had screwed all 4 of the support bars to the bottom of the table top.  (They're 2" x 3" wood that I recovered from my 2nd 5 foot tall 2"x3" 19" rack that my modular used to reside in.  The 1st 5 foot tall, was used to give me 2"x3" 's for my 2 cabinets that the modular has been moved into.

 Here, I've added the 2 front 3' legs with 1 of the 2 supports for each of them.
 Setting table #1 up to have a look at it, 1 of the almost 6' legs has been installed through a hole that I made in the table top.  It's leaning on the plastic table that I was using to build things on.
 And here, is table #1 with both of it's almost 6' tall legs installed.  I still had to add the remaineder of the leg supports.
 Here, with table #1 being almost completed - I've FINALLY remembered to grab my camera (today), to shoot pics of how far I'd gotten with table #2.  All of it's legs are on and I'm adding the final supports to it, here.
 Another pic of the 2 tables.
 Yet another pic of the 2 tables, with more leg supports added.
 And here is the first of the 2 pics of both tables completed (except for their almost 6' tall leg's top supports.  I ran out of wood that I'd rescued from the trashed 5' tall 2"x3" rack.  Except for the cutoff bits, ALL of the wood was used. :)  Happy about that.
And the final pic of the 2 tables standing well in front of my 1994 Ford Thunderbird.  (8 cylinder!  Woohoo! :D )

Now - has anyone noticed all of the measurement errors especially in the supports for the legs, all through the pics?  Lol.

The tables don't wobble.  I was extremely careful in my measurements for everything there.  Sturdy as heck with their supports.  When they were both out on the grass, I sat myself down on one of them (I'm 230+ pounds at 6'4" in height.) and I didn't even hear a creak.  Very happy with that. :)

During the last few minutes of adding the final supports - I realized that the table that I'll use for the modular cabinets does not NEED the almost 6' tall legs in the back as it'll be seated in FRONT of them.  Umm - duh.  Lol.

Anyhoo ... as I said on the forum, I need at least 5 tables.  3+ more to build. :)  Shall see about either next weekend or the weekend after. 

Thursday 14 July 2011

Yesterday's not nice saying coinage ...

Another way to call someone 'stupid' could be:

"Their wit is so low!"

"How low is it?"  (Had to. ;) Lol.)

"They would have trouble thinking their way,
out of a box that's made of butter!"

:P Lol